What people says on way of googlewalkout| find in internet of technology

Pichai CEO from google said -
"We don't run the company by referendum. There are many good things about giving employees a lot of voice, out of that we have done well."
organizer Claire Stapleton from google said-
“Google is famous for its culture, but in reality, we’re not even meeting the basics of respect, justice and fairness for every single person here,”
Random organizers from google-
“We’ve always been a vanguard company, so if we don’t lead the way, nobody else will.”
employee Tanuja Gupta said in New York from google -
“We have the eyes of many companies looking at us,”
the organizers wrote in a piece for theCut -
“A company is nothing without its workers,”
"From the moment we start at Google, we’re told that we aren’t just employees; we’re owners. Every person who walked out today is an owner, and the owners say: Time’s up.”
employees used to say this slogans such as-
“Free Food ≠ Safe Space” , “Don’t Be Evil" , "Not OK google" and "I Reported and He Got Promoted" Google Employees


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