Chinese smartphone maker Vivo has launched Vivo Z1, a new smartphone. This smartphone is also full-fledged display with Notch. Let us tell you that Vivo is preparing to launch the Vivo X21 UD on May 29 in India, with an under-display fingerprint scanner. Vivo Z1 is currently launching in China and its price has been kept CNY 1,798 i.e., if it costs Indian rupees, it is Rs. 19,055. However, it has not been announced in India yet
Talking about photography, this smartphone has a dual rear camera, one of which is 13 megapixels, the second is 2 megapixels. For the selfie, this smartphone has a 12-megapixel front camera. This smartphone runs on a custom UI FunTouch OS based on the Android 8.1 ORIO. Its battery is 3,260 mAh.
When this smartphone will launch in India, there is no information at this time. At present, the company is preparing to bring the smartphone with the first under-display fingerprint display in India. It is necessary to see whether this smartphone becomes a game changer for the company.
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